Fungal Nails

Fungal nail infections are a common condition that causes nails to turn yellow, brown or white; thickens nails; or makes them fragile or cracked. Nail fungus is caused by various yeasts or molds in the environment.

Anyone is susceptible to fungal nail infections but individuals with nail injuries, diabetes, weakened immune systems, blood circulation problems, or Athlete’s foot are more likely to get an infection.

There are several steps you can take to prevent fungal infections including, washing your feet with soap and water and drying them well, wearing socks that wick away moisture, wearing shower shoes in public places, and regularly examining your feet for changes in color or texture, or for cuts.

Fungal nail infections can be treated with topical creams, topical nail lacquers, antifungal prescription pills, laser treatment, or complete nail removal.  These infections may or may not cause pain.

Please schedule an appointment with us if your fungal nails are not improving or if they become worse.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  Fungal Nail Infections.

Mayo Clinic.  Nail fungus.

WebMD.  How to Handle Toenail Fungus.